You've got the yoga class, the tennis lessons, the scheduled workouts at the gym. You're a regular Fountain of Youth -- on the courts and between the sheets. Seniors aren't going gently into that good night; they're grabbing a partner and having it their way. Older women have plenty of reasons to maintain an active sexual life in addition to the obvious ones. So, rejoice in the sisterhood, if that's you. If it's not, what are you waiting for?
Fun Past 50
Women don't want to hear all that blah-blah-blah about "act your age" when it comes to heat level. Which is a more pleasurable experience on the palate: this season's Beaujolais Nouveau (fun!) or a vintage Cheval Blanc (fabulous!)? Not even close. You totally rock your hard-won years, and you're in excellent company.
An eight-year University of Pittsburgh study published in the 2014 Journal of the American Medical Association found 85 percent of the subjects -- women between the ages of 40 and 65 at the start of the study -- remained sexually active. That could mean not only more pleasure but more years to enjoy it.
A 2016 study, published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, concluded women over the age of 57 were half as likely to develop high blood pressure, a precursor to stroke and heart attack, if they had frequent pleasurable sex.
Definitely don't overlook the swagger. Research published in the 2008 Journal of Sexual Medicine showed women with a history of vaginal orgasm walk with more energy, sensuality, and freedom. Sex literally gives you a different gait -- a visible indicator that's easy and fluid with a longer stride length, firmer more flexible muscles, and greater pelvic rotation. If you work it, you'll walk it.
So celebrate your sexy and spend quality time between the steamy sheets. Your spicy memoirs and your happy heart will thank you for it.
Bodacious Bennies
Feel-good endorphins are a by-product of sex. Those endorphins boost your mood, lower your stress, and decrease pain levels. Likewise, sex-released endorphins help you to sleep like a baby. It's better than chocolate.Line up those dancing shoes and shake your booty like it's 19_ _...well, you pick the year. Age is a number, your actions define you, and who says a wrinkle or two makes you any less racy? The science is on your side, girlfriend, so slip into something comfortable and check out all the grounds for seduction. You've got staying power, and it's really really good for you, too. Here are just a few compelling reasons to get wet and wild.
Get a glow from getting it on. This is one time when human growth hormone is good for you. Having sex boosts those hormones, and they make your skin all dewy and elastic. The cellulite on the backs of your thighs can't hold a candle to that post-coital bloom in your cheeks.
More good news for your skin comes from the increase in estrogen levels due to regular sex. Estrogen prevents dry skin; save on moisturiser as you swan around looking smug and luscious. Expect envy.
You'll burn a few calories when things get hot. However, while sex can make you feel tight and toned, it's not a weight loss plan. It does rev up your energy, though, so you can always take up sprinting afterwards or just add some aerobic moves to your enticing exertions.
So, ladies, start your engines! Remember, no chauffeuring the family sedan. Strap yourself into the Porsche and take those hairpin turns in style.
Tips For Your Inner Temptress
You can turn anything into an excuse, but where's the party in that? When obstacles to orgasm loom, a healthy helping of lusty innovation will have things humming along in no time.
Speak Up
Age comes with alterations; a maturing body will throw you a few curve balls. If something isn't working for you (or for your partner) the best way to recalibrate is a conversation. Talk can be seriously sexy. Hash it out in front of a crackling fire with extra points for sharing a double-wide chaise or being in your bathrobes. Be honest and empathetic. Accept that creativity is a great cure-all, and compromise can lead to new adventures in intimacy.
Make Physical Adaptations
Your sparkling wit grows drier with age, and so does your vagina. Own it and deal with it. Water-based lubricant can make for some lovely foreplay, prelude to some highly pleasurable give and take.
Redefine and Re-Ignite
You've accrued some interesting mileage over the years so why settle for same-old/same-old? There's a world of adventure out there -- or in your bedroom. Sex doesn't have to be all about the intercourse. Sensory nerves cover your whole body so play with them.
Try something new, inspired by erotica you read aloud to each other or a private fantasy you confess.
Enjoy an unexpected location.
Risk a little exposure where others fear to flash.
Grind those hips together on a dance floor.
Give your partner a sensuous bubble bath or get a slow, sudsy shampoo.
Eat breakfast naked.
ED (erectile dysfunction) might slow things down some, but there are no brakes on your wanton, wicked imagination. Dare to dream big, bold and bad.
No Pass on Protection
Unless you are in a long-term, committed, monogamous relationship, take precautions to avoid sexually-transmitted infections. Syphilis, chlamydia, and other sexually transmitted diseases are booming among Boomers. Maybe you are no longer worried about unplanned pregnancy, but you aren't immune to the epidemic of sexually transmitted infections, so no heroics. Use a condom. Get tested. Have your partner get tested. You're not young and foolish anymore so don't be older and foolish. Respect each other enough to share safe sex and don't set yourself up for any nasty little surprises.
On Cougars and Courtesans
The fact women tend to outlive men by an average of five to six years could mean you have a shortage of peers when it's time to fill your dance card. No worries. Chronological age only matters when you are in school. Cougars, older women who date younger men are going mainstream, and what's not to like about that? Cougars are sleek, swift, powerful cats with a distinctive purr. AARP surveyed women over 40 and discovered that 34 percent were dating younger men, and a 15-year age spread was not unusual. Just add it to your options. You can still do the seduction of the older alpha male, if you can find one. But when it comes to epic romance and heaving bosoms, you do you. Write your own Happily Ever After, or at least Happy For Now. It's all good.